Virtual Organizing


Virtual Organizing & Coaching

Virtual Organizing is similar to a traditional organizing session, only instead of meeting in-person, you collaborate with a professional organizer via your phone or computer. We create a plan and specific actions you can take to get organized and you have a partner throughout to ensure continuing success. You get advice, accountability and encouragement to help you reach your goals at home.

Here’s what it typically looks like:

  • We review the space via photos or a live online meeting.

  • We work together via short 1-3 hour online meetings, where I guide you through the process of tidying up step by step — clearing the space, decision making, piles for donation/relocate/trash, space planning, placing items in their new home, etc.

  • Then, we outline the next steps of our plan as homework for you to do before meet again.

  • During our next meeting, we discuss how it went for you and continue the project together.

  • We research recommended storage products for you and design the space. We can also look up local donation facilities to help you feel confident in getting your unwanted items to their next home.

Includes Digital Content and Resources.

$175/Session - 3 Hour Minimum Package.